Mental Health in the Kitchen
Do you feel like your responsibilities feeding yourself and feeding your family 3 square meals a day plus snacks brings out all of your worst negative feelings? You’re not alone…there’s a lot of resentment from moms about their kitchen responsibilities. But…did you know that the way you think about the kitchen has a direct effect on how you FEEL while you are in the kitchen? Yup, mental health in the kitchen is a thing and we’re here to talk about it today!
The cool thing about your mental health in the kitchen is that it totally goes both ways. So if you let negative, perfectionistic thoughts or unrealistic expectations creep in you’re probably going to have a less than stellar experience. BUT if you recognize the power of a little meal planning and meal prep you can actually start to use the kitchen as a tool to improve your mental health instead of constantly being a place that you dread.

This week I’m teaming up with Mallory Gleason of Mallory Jo Mindfulness (who also happens to be my sister) to discuss all things mental health in the kitchen.

Mallory is a young adult who was tired of anxiety running her life. Through training her brain and her thoughts she found relief and she is eagerly sharing that with others on her platform @malloryjomindfulness as she trains to become a certified life coach.
Inside the Mental Health in the Kitchen Episode of the podcast:
- How our expectations lay the foundation for how we will feel about cooking and meal prep
- Sneaky ways perfectionism shows up (even if you don’t think you fit the description of a perfectionist)
- What self-care *actually* looks like and why it’s not as simple as bubble baths and chocolate
- How a little meal planning can be the best thing you can do for YOU today
More about Mallory:
Mallory Gleason is an avid gilmore girls fan, she loves singing along to any style of music, and she eats pineapple on her pizza because it’s amazing and she’ll give no heed to haters. Mallory lives with her husband in Utah Valley.
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