Ready to stop the fights with the kitchen? Consider me your dinner therapist!
There was a time where the kitchen was my least favorite place to be too. With 3 kids under 4 and my husband gone 12+ hours a day my relationship with family dinner was *not* good. It took a little TLC, but let me tell ya how I figured things out, and more importantly how I can help you do the same!
Hey, I’m Amanda!
Registered Dietitian, mom of 3, and I’m so over being stressed about dinner.
I created this space when I could no longer take the emotional toll of cooking every single freakin’ night.
If you’re tired of meals that take 2 hours to cook (surrounded by whiny kids) OR grabbing “desperation takeout” multiple time a week, it might be time to work smarter, not harder.
I’m here to give you simple mealtime solutions that actually work for a growing family.
Skip the trial and error friends. You are definitely in the right place.
I can’t wait to help you ditch mealtime overwhelm once and for all!

Start learning today by listening to the 5-star rated meal planning and meal prep podcast
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