

Me and Bridget Kate.  Sad Kyle had to be in North Carolina for the holiday 🙁 I am a little late but I have so many thoughts this Easter Season. This time of year holds a lot of memories for me. The twins’ due date was April 4th of 2014.  Right smack dab in the…


There’s been a change in me– A kind of moving on– Though what I used to be, I still depend upon. For now I realize That good can come from bad. That may not make me wise, But, oh, it makes me glad. And I–I never thought I’d leave behind My childhood dreams, but I…

Learning from Trials

Learning from Trials

I’ve seen this video floating all over facebook and hope you’ll take a minute to watch it, it offered me a lot of hope and inspiration.  It was created by the mother of Emilie Parker who was among those children killed in the Sandy Hook shooting.  While I cannot relate to losing a child after…

The Love of Parents

The Love of Parents

It’s been just over two weeks since we said goodbye to our little ones. I have been doing a lot of thinking and reading and pondering as I try to work through my emotions. I recently read a book that was given to me called “Gone too Soon.” It is a book specifically for those…

A Child’s Prayer

A Child’s Prayer

Yesterday I was perusing pinterest and my dear friend Paige had posted a quote from the LDS Primary Song A Child’s Prayer that really hit me. I remember growing up singing this song and always said it was my favorite, but had long since forgotten about it and hadn’t heard or sung it in years….

Twins Day 3

This day was mostly a day of waiting waiting waiting.  I wish I could say I was the perfect little patient, but I was sure IMPATIENT by the afternoon.  We were told a doctor would come see us around 9:00-10:00 to see about doing the cerclage. Throughout that morning I was still having small contractions…